Sunday, September 2, 2012

Butterfly Garden & Strong Children's Museum

Chris' Aunt Mimi, Uncle Vince, cousin Jenny and her husband John and there two kids - Jacob & Jordan - drove over to Rochester from Buffalo, NY on Sunday for lunch and a visit to the Butterfly Garden and Strong Children's Museum in Rochester.   Even though the kids are somewhat different ages, they got along very well. 

Katelyn 29 months, Jordan 5 - and starting Kindergarten this week, having a tea party with a little tea set that Bisia had gotten for Katelyn. 

Brendan 4 1/2 and Jacob 9?  playing trains and legos.  Jacob used to be as interested in Thomas and train stuff as Brendan.  He's now moved on to legos, but still remembers his trains.  :)

After lunch, we piled into cars and drove downtown.  The Butterfly Garden was first on the agenda. 

 Katelyn did "hold" one, but then decided that she wasn't so sure!

 They also had several turtles in the garden.

 Mama Bird and Baby Bird.  :)

After our time was up with the butterflies, we ventured out to the rest of the museum. 

There was a Berenstein Bear exhibit that Brendan quickly left to find the trains.  :)
Katelyn enjoyed it however.  :)

The big train wasn't working today, but there was an awesome train table with lots of wooden trains to play with. 

They had a miniature version of a local grocery chain that the kids could work and shop in.   They requested that you only "purchase" 5 items in a transaction...our children struggled with those directions.  ;)

 But, they enjoyed baking bread and pizza...

 And then scanning groceries at the checkout...

They had an exhibit of "classic" toys...brought back lots of memories!

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