Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apple Picking!

After returning from Florida, we were ready to enjoy the fall! We headed to Tuttle's to pick some apples. Kids had a great time picking way too many apples...lots of pies in our future. ;) They also (of course!) had to play in the kids' area - toy tractors, sandbox, straw maze.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

HSE Sports Baseball

Brendan showed some interest in continuing with baseball, so we signed up for something a little more rigorous - HSE Sports Fall League. He's in a league with 1st and 2nd graders and is one of the smallest kids. :) Finally at the 3rd weekend of games, I remembered to bring my camera. Game 1: a strike out, after a foul ball. 2nd at bat, got a short hit, but got thrown out a 1st base after not doing his fastest running ;) Game 2: two strike outs Game 3: no hits, but did much better on swinging the bat hard!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Katelyn's First Day of Senior Preschool

Katelyn is very excited about starting in the Lion Class at Fishers UMC Preschool/MDO. She will have the same main teacher that Brendan had at the end of his senior year. Adelyn is starting school today as well in the Bunny room - with the same teachers that Katelyn had in the Bunny room. :)