Monday, June 24, 2013

15 weeks

We've had two little bumps in the road this past week. Adelyn had her first "cold". It only really lasted a couple days, but man it was hard to watch her be so congested. :( She was a trooper though through trying to suction her nose, constantly wipe/pick at her nose, Baby Vicks on her, etc. The other was just really a bad day last night/today - which I think is caused by me drinking milk yesterday. Eating butter, cheese, etc. doesn't seem to be particularly bothersome to her, but she was up much longer than usual this morning to nurse (90 minutes and still didn't want to go back to sleep), very gassy - toots and burps, and lots of spit up this morning. So I'm going to try to find milk alternatives at least for the time being. I really hope that she out grows this soon, as I really like to have a glass of milk with my desserts. ;)

Monday, June 17, 2013

14 Weeks

Adelyn is 3 months old now! It is amazing to me what a happy & good baby she is! Makes me want to (almost!) have more. ;) She enjoys playing on her play-mat and sitting in her bouncy seat or Bumbo seat to play. She does lots of "talking" that Brendan & Katelyn love to hear. She does not like tummy time, but is pretty good about holding her head up and has even rolled from her tummy to her back once. She is still nursing well. She hasn't had a bottle in a week and half now, but I'm not super worried about her taking one when/if needed. For the most part, she is still a cat-napper during the day - usually about 30 minutes at a time, but has occasionally done a good 2-3 hour stretch - usually while in the car running errands. Otherwise, when she falls asleep, I try to stash her car seat or bouncy seat in the laundry room or in her bedroom with the door locked. This usually buys her a few extra minutes of sleep before the big kids find her and want to "see her" or play. :) I can't complain about the poor day time sleeping though because she generally does so well at night. She's done close to 10 hours recently, and typically does around 8-9 hours. She usually goes down between 9 and 10pm and will sleep until 6-7am.